
Hi, I’m Jade

I help families stay together with seasonal reality photoshoots…

Allow Me To Tell Your Story.



What if experiencing discomfort was okay? … What if it happens for us to feel it + not push it away?

If the "hard days" were just as enriching as the easy ones?

If we could open our hearts + be vulnerable, sharing all of our ups + downs without shame or hiding behind a perfect + comfy facade?

Real-life is all of it.

Love + beauty don’t only live in the joyous parts … they live in the darkness too-they just need the light of you .. to be seen. 

Yesterday held challenges. I was faced continuously with needing to be in one place when my mind wanted to be in another. The old pace of my life has been working its way back into play; only now, there is less space + control to facilitate what must be done. These present days have evolved into a collaboration; a new element has been added to my life. This sweet + powerful element yet unpredictable + out of my control is my beautiful daughter Bobby. 

Life has never looked so clear + straightforward. She matters most. After my divided attention yesterday, I started to ask - "How can I show up my best self for her?" Moments found me caught between worlds, where I wanted to be present + trust in the greater unfolding, but was pulled by fear of what may not get done. It was an uncomfortable place. 

"What could I change?… Dear wisdom, please show me the way."

Bobby developed some excess gas + acid reflex by the end of the day. Some needs, not so quick + easy for me to meet. To hold her, rock her, burp her, move her into different positions with no success guarantee felt like a tough thing to do. To be with her while she experienced such discomfort — unable to provide a quick fix.

If this wasn't LIFE talking to me, I don't know what is. "Dismiss every other place you are pulled to be, put down any thought related to the future to do's, and be here … right now … she needs you. All of you." 

Sometimes even when it seems, there is nothing we can say or do or give … we need a reminder of how enough our presence is. Simple yet at times, uncomfortable, being-ness. Our full presence is the purest love we can give. Showing up wholeheartedly, surrendering any need we may have, to provide what we can.

I believe it is easier for us to do this when our cups are full + all of our own needs are met. When we are reaching outside of the present moment for fulfillment, it is such a challenge to trust that here + now is precisely where we need to be. 

But what if our needs were deeper, + weren't always to find comfort + ease…What if we need to embody + embrace even the times we want to escape?

What if within them there was a hidden gift we had to feel our way to unraveling? And by checking out + letting our mind distract us from the here + now, we are missing the treasure?

Breathing through the challenges of yesterday + trusting their purpose would be revealed in time allowed me to observe the thought patterns, tendencies + belief systems inside of me. I can now really see the big picture shifting into a new way of being for today. 


Harvest the fruit of your labor. 

Sinking into moments just as they are, to receive the blessings within them. Don't we strive to build families that thrive? Taking care of everyone + everything, micromanaging can be exhausting. I believe when we find ourselves in that depleted state, we must surrender the reins, sit back + let life unfold. Letting go of our tight hold. . . 

It is then we will find ourselves held by the abundant embrace of life—the simple existence of our creations. We shall then receive the fulfillment of having a family when we release the doing + let ourselves embody the being. There might be a rush of emotion before you find your rippling inner waters to settle - there usually is for me. Allow that to run its course + soon you will begin to see through eyes that focus on the authentic beauty surrounding you. You will once again be able to hear the sounds that fill the silence, delighting in their rhythm. You may sense your body + its pulsation as it's supported by the matter you rest upon. You then will be assured enough to sitting back + harvest of the seeds you’ve nurtured to life.

May today you embrace your Real Life, no matter what each moment feels like .. May within that embrace you uncover the Deep Love that's the fulfillment you dream of.

THIS IS US: The beginning of The Foldens

THIS IS US: The beginning of The Foldens