
Is your family on the endangered species list?

You know… are quiet, simple moments of true connection rare and almost extinct in your household?


Modern families seem to change almost as quickly as the seasons these days…

through separation, divorce, kids leaving home, loved ones passing on.


We rest in the memories that remain - not in posed photos absent of emotion - and the stories that come out so naturally when we take the time to relax and connect, often in the comfort of our own homes.

Yet when was the last time you actually did that as a family? Tossed aside the to-do list, threw the cell phones + iPads in your sock drawer in order to simply BE? Together. Unfiltered. Real. You know… like a family pajamas day?

In our current culture, simple afternoons or evenings around the table over a game, puzzle or a home-cooked meal are rare and being replaced by a general acceptance of massive amounts of screen time, eating out in noisy restaurants or frantic drive-through dinners, and more texting than actual talking. True or true? And… do you want that to be YOUR family’s story?


I help families stay together with seasonal reality photoshoots…

Allow Me To Tell Your Story.




Our family connected with Jade 4 years ago... and she’s been capturing our love and growth ever since.”
— Natasha Thornton
Jades approach to photography is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced.
— Pam Fraser
We started our Sunday with her (from the time we woke up!) and we could literally feel the connection and presence grow as the day went by. It transformed all of our moods. It was like Jade gave us permission to unplug and simply be together... no rush, no pressure, no stress. What a gift.
— Roxanne Danberg
Our small tribe of four will be forever grateful for the moments Jade helped turn into a wonderful memory that we reflect back on with a smiles on our faces and warm essence in our hearts. Eternally grateful.
— The Taylors



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This Is Us Photographs

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Regular Photography Sessions